Monday, December 18, 2017

The Sun And Her Flowers

 The Sun Of Her Flowers is a poem book by Rapi Kaur. Just like Milk and Honey, this book also has chapters representing different stages in life. The only difference is that The Sun Of Her Flowers compares human life to Flowers. The five sections are the wilting, falling, rooting, rising, and the cold blooming. The theme of each section is care, self-abandonment, honoring  yourself, love, and entitleling yourself. My favorite part of the whole book is simply just the title on its own and the meaning behind it. In an Interview Rapi Kaur says "I was going through a difficult breakup at the time, and I was thinking about the way sunflowers rotate with the sun. When the sun rises, they also rise, but when the sun leaves, they bow their heads. I thought that sort of worship at  the time was just so stunning and so beautiful and so then I thought, 'We are all our own suns and flowers are the experiences and the people we go through in our entire lifetime, so the sun and her flowers.'" Therefore, I really recommend this book !

1 comment:

  1. I like that you added a quote, but you need to explain it. Why did you like it? Or what does it mean to you? Throwing in a quote without explanation can be confusing.
